An outdoor bench is a very versatile way to add variety to a picturesque outdoor scene. An outdoor bench can be just for decoration, or it can provide a much-needed seat for rest. But no matter what kind of outdoor bench you are looking for, there is one thing that is the most important consideration to make. An outdoor bench must be extremely durable because it will sit through all of the changing weather patterns. Here’s how to make sure the outdoor bench you purchase will last a very long time.

Ask about wood outdoor bench treatment
If you have your heart set on a wooden bench, then one of the first things you should ask the retailer about is wood outdoor treatments. Some types of wood will require regular treatments. Other types of wood are untreated, and they will need to be stained and treated regularly in order for the wood to keep its original wood. Still other types of wood are meant to fade over time, so it is very important to understand what kind of wood you are purchasing and what to expect out of an outdoor bench made from that type of wood.
One of the easiest finishes to take care of in an outdoor bench is as simple as paint. Painted benches will not need to be treated every year, although every few years the bench will likely need a new coat of paint. Just remember that paint is the easiest to care for in the long run.
Ask about types of metal
Shoppers who are looking for a metal outdoor bench should also keep in mind the different types of metals. Some metals are definitely made for outdoor benches, while others work better on an indoor bench. Make sure that the bench you are considering has a good finish and will resist rust and corrosion. Painted metal is also not a bad idea. Just make sure to ask the retailer if there is anything that will need to be done for the bench in order to keep it in the best shape possible.
Check out different outdoor bench styles
Another element that will help an outdoor bench last for a long time is the style. Take the time to sit down in benches that are several different styles. Check the benches carefully to see which ones feel sturdier than the others. Style can play a major role in how durable and sturdy the bench is. The shape and feel of the legs is especially important in this respect. Benches with very thin legs may not be great choices in some cases. Whether the bench is wood or metal, it should also be very heavy. Solid wood and high quality metal are both very heavy, so try to find a bench that will not be blown away easily. Remember that the bench will have to withstand rain, snow, high winds, and every other kind of weather you get at your home.
Ask about cushions
One final note about outdoor benches is comfort, and some benches will need cushions in order for them to be comfortable enough to sit in. Just remember that you will need to pick up those cushions before every rainstorm and be sure that you will remember to do this. If you aren’t sure that you will be able to remember to pick up the cushions before a storm, then it is probably a better idea to look for a different type of bench. Just keep sitting in various benches until you discover the one that feels right for you. Also think about the space that you need the bench for, which will give you another clue about what kind of bench will be perfect.