Hoe de Zorg voor tuinmeubilair

How to Care for Outdoor Furniture – Synthetic Rattan

Care for Outdoor Furniture | I believe we all agree that are some known materials for outdoor furniture we know so long. Some of them are outdoor teak wood, battyline, synthetic rattan, fiber glass, and metal (such as: stainless steel, alloy casting, aluminum). Each material has its own characteristic. Thus they need different ways for caring. Caring for outdoor furniture is also needed to maximize its durability. Because even though they are outdoor space which are claimed weather and season resistant, they will break easier and faster if we don’t do maintenance.

In some countries synthetisch rotan tuinmeubelen is also called as wicker furniture. Well actually, it’s just a matter of how people call it, but they talk about one and same thing. Although it has a similar appearance to natural rattan, it is very different. Synthetic rattan is claimed as an extraordinary outdoor furniture material. Synthetic rattan furniture is resistant to sunlight and rain. It can be weaved and shaped into a beautiful pattern. Moreover, it is also claimed to have a very long durability.

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As previously mentioned, each of this outdoor furniture has different ways of maintenance. Let’s discuss how to maintain outdoor furniture using synthetic rattan materials.

First, it is better to put your synthetic rattan material into your semi-outdoor space. Since, even though it is claimed to be sunlight and rain resistant, this material will be easily broken if the furniture with this material is placed in a space that is exposed to sunlight and rain. Its color will be faded during short time. Then, it will also crumble quickly.

Outdoor Synthetic Rattan Furniture

Synthetic rattan furniture will definitely get dusty by the time – all furniture will get the same actually. And it must be detracted its beauty. So, it should be cleaned regularly. How to do it? Cleaning synthetic rattan furniture is quite easy. For cleaning the dust on surface of the furniture, it is enough with a vacuum cleaner. Or it can also be cleaned with a soft cloth.

For deep cleaning, we need to take it into open space. Then find out 3 ingredients to clean it, that is: a soft brush, light soap, and water. Then wet the synthetic rattan furniture, brush it gently, and don’t forget to apply light soap. This light soap help you to clean stubborn stains attached to synthetic rattan furniture. Once you did it all, just leave it in a warm place to completely dry it.

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